Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Pat's Quilt in Progress and Juki TL 2010Q Overview Video

Good morning!

It is April 2nd and I can hardly believe it!  Spring has creeped up in Northeast Ohio and while this time last week we had several inches of snow on the ground, I woke up this morning to the sounds of birds chirping and sunshine.  Finally!  It is supposed to reach 60 degrees today - so long as the rain says away I might make time to work out in the garden.  Fingers crossed!

If you follow me on Facebook you have likely seen a few shots of this quilt - it was made by the mother of my highschool friend Chris for a Christmas gift this past year - he is an artist these days and works with fine art as well as collects it - so can you tell I might feel a little pressure to meet his super high and knowledgeable standards?!  LOL  Not to mention you always want to ooh and ahh your friends.  :)

The quilt is ultra modern but not so modern that it couldn't be appreciated by a traditional quilter.  I am actually really in love with it!  He liked the idea of straight line quilting with the lines going in different directions creating a lot of movement and textural interest.  So this is what we have come up with so far - I got to working late into the night last night, or I should probably say early into this morning!  I will spend the majority of today and tomorrow finishing it up and then it is on to Lara's quilt.  :)

I also wanted to toss in another quick video here today!  I took this video yesterday but didn't get around to finishing up the editing until this morning.  I receive a lot of questions about my Juki TL 2010Q - so here is a brief overview of the machine and its functions!  :)  I hope this is helpful to those of you out there who are curious about my domestic machine.  I do have several machines - but I did not want a full on sit down long arm so this was my choice.  I can use it for piecing, free motion quilting, garment sewing, or I can frame it and use it as a stand up machine.

Keep watch as next week I will be announcing a GIVE AWAY!  :)

Happy Quilting!

- Valerie :)

1 comment:

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Oh I love giveaways! lol.. But I simply adore you envy here.