Friday, June 8, 2012

Eek. Now I Know Why I Don't Use That Fabric...

EEEwww.  I love the colors of this, but ICK, now I remember why I don't use the buck a yard stuff!!!  Glad this was just for practice.  I have made quilts with inset seams before, but man, it was even trickier with this fabric.  I think there must be some poly or something in that green and red fabric as it stretched all outta whack.  I also must've goofed up somewhere with measuring because the center is a bit crazy and TOTALLY didn't match up.  Lol*  Oh well.  By the time I was finished I remembered how to get a nice clean crisp CLOSED inset seam...and now I have a super cute block that anyone who doesn't quilt probably wouldn't notice a flaw in.  I think I may retry this with similar fabric but something less stretchy.  I'm feeling the urge to make a retro sampler...

Here's a pic in the dark with a flash so you can see the true colors a bit better...

...and here's one in the kitchen so you can see the wonky-ness.  LOL*  Still cute though!  I have an idea for what I might use it for.

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