Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Summertime Quilting! :)

I don't know about you, but summer has been flying by for me!  I cannot believe it's almost July!  It feels like my kids were just let out of school and the weather just started to resemble the warmer months...but in reality, my kids summer break is already 1/3 of the way over!

Quilting has been slow going with my children at home.  I have been making an effort every day to take the kids outdoors and get some exercise in which has been wonderful for bonding and talking with my sweet girls.  My oldest daughter has decided she wants to play soccer for her school this year, so I anticipate lots of traveling to games and fun times this fall.  We were practicing last week for try outs and don't ya know...I fell and sprained my ankle!  I spent a few hours in the ER making sure it wasn't a break - and my ankle swelled up like a baseball!!!  An athlete I am not - but - we have a story to tell now!  LOL  :)

I am back to work today and making efforts to finish up the quilts this week that have been waiting some time to be finished.  Here are a few progress pictures of Jane's sample quilt that is currently on the frame...

I hope all is going well in blogland today!  I know the blogs tend to seriously slow down during the summer, but I hope everyone is having a great time and getting some good family and sewing time in!

1 comment:

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I'm not much of a feather person, but sure like the look on the red, rounded triangle.