Tuesday, May 28, 2013

It Just Goes to Show...

...an ugly quilt can turn to a stunner in the blink of an eye.  I almost chucked this Celtic knot project out today!  I'm glad I didn't.  It's going to be - different.  I kind of melded two distinctly different styles together and when you do something you've never done before...well sometimes it's hard to decide where you stand!  Hopefully those reading can share a little of my vision.  Negative spaces will be quilted and beaded for interest...I need o get to the store to buy thread so I can start stitching these down but life just hasn't allowed me time.  (Read - my two year old is cranky and there's no way in heck I'm taking her out in public.)


JoAnne said...

It is looking lovely. I hear you about not going out, too!

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

Looking good--sometimes staying home is the right thing to do

Kimberly said...

What an ambitious project! Can't wait to see more!