My little pineapple blocks are coming along! I am really loving the way they look all together. The original pattern calls for 120 of these 6 inch pinapple blocks. I'm not one for making really large quilts although I'd like this to be big enough to sleep under. I guess it's finished size will depend on how many scraps I have in these colors! Or how long it takes for me to get bored...

I wanted to share a few Christmas gifts I was very excited to recieve...

All three came from Connecting Threads...this is one of their wallhaning quilt kits
of a storm at sea pattern using all batik fabrics. I love the optical illusion it gives of waves.

This book I have been wanting for quite a while. I planned on ordering it months ago but things just kept popping up that were more important. So happy this came to me for Christmas!

Here's a little peak inside... If you're not familiar with Jinny Beyer your missing out! ;) Go check out her
website for free blocks and patterns. This book has over 4,000 quilt blocks in it, with color pictures of the pieced blocks in Jinny's signature fabrics. I cannot wait to get a few minutes to really sit with this book. :)

Here's another book that just recently came out I was thrilled to recieve. Gail Garber has been inspiring me with her free form geese, and in this book she explains how to draft your own. My favorite is the quilt on the cover, the colors especially.

I don't even remember where I first discovered Gail Garber...I think it might have been through her

In any case don't the colors in that quilt on the cover remind you alittle of something I've been working on?

Well it's not quite the same. ;) I started this long before I discovered Gail, but now as I'm finishing this quilt I'm finding myself incredibly inspired by her. Can't wait to look at her book more too!
One more thing I wanted to show and tell...these cute fabrics I found in my stash for a baby quilt. Did I mention, it's going to be a GIRL!
Your pineapple blocks look good. Nice & scrappy. I would like to try doing a scrappy one.
That is a really cute baby fabric! Can;t wait to see your quilt!
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