Just a quick post today...does anyone have any idea what this is? It's growing near echinacea I planted and looks reddish like echinacea leaves but I have grown them from seed before and they are usually more pointed than these and as seedlings don't nearly have as many leaves. They almost look like little asiatic lillies coming up but there are about a hundred of them in this one spot and I didn't plant any there! Anybody know? Have any ideas? Are they just weeds? They are near previously planted gooseneck, lillies, echinacea, rhudbeckia, foxgloves, and probably several other plants I can't think of at the moment. I can't decide if I should yank 'em or leave 'em!?
I think they are more Coneflowers. They maybe were hit with some frost. The reason for the color to the leaves and the change in the shape of the leaves. I guess time will tell. Chris
If they grow tall like a sunflower, they are like the weeds I got in my garden. They were poison. Don't wanna scare you, I would wait and see.
Enjoy the spring! Its my favourite season!
I'm thinking those look like gooseneck starts to me. Pull one and see if the root goes back towards the mother plant (if you still have it), as it spreads by runners and can be very aggressive. I dug mine out three years ago and I still get new plants every spring! LOL
these are a succulent and in my garden they are considered a weed. the previous owner planted them as groundcover, but they are very aggressive. Terry is right, the roots will go back to the original plant and they are very difficult to completely get rid of.
I see we're not sure yet what these are. They sure are cute. My suggestion would be to pull or dig out the ones that are near any desirable plants, and leave just a couple or few grow to see if you can figure out what they are. You can always let them spread later if you want more.
They look awfully suspicious. I vote for weed, and I would pull them out in a heartbeat. I have a love affair with weeds. they just love me and my garden. LOL!
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