Some kind of pink salvia, and english daisies...
Everyone in the garden is looking awfully wilty - it's been in the 90's...ugh. I didn't mulch this year to encourage reseeding. I'm hoping the garden will fill out well next year and I can add some ground covers to help cool it down in there a bit. Hopefully nobody fries between now and then.
My new bird bath...Dad do you want some california poppies? I have them coming out my ears...
My flowerbeds are all mulched and my flowers reseed and spread just fine. Your California poppies are beautiful! :0)
Love your poppies! Your echinacea is really pretty too! :) My orange lillies have opened so I'm going to post some pics tomorrow. :)
Ooo, I like the birdbath! I planted some perennials this year that I hope will keep coming back, but I filled in with some annuals to keep it from looking quite so bare. I can see some mistakes already, but nothing I can't fix!
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