Just wanted to let you know I didn't forget about the give away! I will post the winner in the next day or so! I've got to get some things done around here first! You know, Husbands to cook for, babies to care for and all that. Lol* I appreciate all the comments and really kind compliments. Your guesses were incredibly flattering. I have nothing too grand to share unfortunately, and my Dad and I even joked that you might all be very disappointed! LOL*
I've been a busy gardenin' gal over here. I should warn you that now since it's officially spring I've got plants on the brain and will probably inundate you with lots of garden pictures. I'm really excited about this winter sowing business and have been trying to recruit some converts but until I have plants to show for I don't think my argument is very convincing. I have now 4 hollyhock sprouts in that jug I showed last post. I'm really hoping to have more soon!
Here is my winter sown/spring sown list so far:
hollyhocks (black/dark purple)
hollyhocks (mixed)
canterbury bells
shasta daisies
painted daisies
sweet peas
bachelor buttons
Here's some of the new bulbs I planted this year. Last fall I put in over 100 daffodils...

Here's the iris's from Dad's house...transplanted them the day before yesterday...I hope they bloom!!! Iris's are one of my favorites.

Things I sitll want to sow or buy from the garden center for 2009:
english daisies
pink iris
white iris
pink tulips
white tulips
grape hyacinths
large hyacinths (last years bulbs were eaten by bugs)
pink daylillies
white daylillies
sunset echinacea
coral bells
creeping phlox
Such a tease and just how many husbands do you have? LOL (read post)
Sounds wonderful! Can't wait to see all the blooming. I love to garden and have tons of perennials in my yard. I don't have as many bulbs because here, they seem to weaken so much year to year... except those haycienths (sp). They multiply well :o)
I notice that you have a zillion flowers on your list and pumpkins.
Are pumpkins your token vegetable?
Have you thought about planting gourds? --Dad
Gardens are so much fun to watch come to life. My daughter planted seeds in milk jugs this year after I forwarded your post to her - at least I think it was you who posted about doing the milk jugs. Anyway, she was telling me yesterday that she has some tiny sprouts coming up and was wondering if they should be bigger. I will have to tell her about yours and that she is right on track!
That's an ambitious list! Can't wait to see it all come together. I never tire of garden photos--I just drool and sigh.
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