Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Windy City & a Thank You

Thank you for all of your comments on my bow tie finish. You all made me feel so good about my quilt! :) My daughter loves it, which makes me feel even more good. :) Although I still can't seem get out of making the Care Bear & My Little Pony quilt she's been requesting, so I have squares cut for that and set aside in my little sewing nook. I cut lots of them, with the hopes to get a throw for both girls to bang around with.

The line of storms that ripped through Oklahoma the day before yesterday and produced that deadly F4 tornado finally came through to our neck of the woods yesterday. I had watched the weather all day - any of you who know me in "real life" know that I have a bit of a tornado phobia! I kept thinking, where's this terrible storm we are supposed to get? I thought just maybe we had somehow been passed over, but, no such luck. It came. Just a little behind schedule. I spent much of the night watching the weather and looking out the window for signs of falling trees. About 5am I heard a crack and I ran to the bedroom to wake up my Husband and get him out of there before a tree fell on our bedroom roof - but we were SO lucky, as one of my favorite backyard trees had split in half, and fell only a few feet away from the house.


Teresa said...

So glad you are ok. Winds can be very frightening.

Bob and Diana said...

I'm sure glad the tree didn't hit your house!! All that happened at our house was that the trash cans blew into the neigbor's yard! -- Dad