Showing posts with label Sewing Room. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sewing Room. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Low Down Honest Truth

I'm going to be very brave and very honest here...this is the current state of my sewing area!!!  Brace's gonna get ugly...

Hahaha - so much for pretty, neat, and organized!!!  This room WILL be a different color very soon.  I'd like to paint this room either red or a tan color.  But I'm planning to wait until the weather is a bit warmer so I can open the doors with all that smelly paint smell.  I can't imagine that is good for anyone's lungs, but I especially worry about the children.

Well - this is the future home of my long arm!!!  I have been busily cleaning, purging, taking things out to the barn and cleaning some more.  This was a good excuse to clean dust bunnies from behind cabinets and wipe down the walls. 

I have no idea why the picture below loaded sideways!!  When I clicked on it in my picture folder it looked right, and I even opened it in Picasa and it looked right.  Anyhow I thought this little display looked cute and homey...but after measuring the floor I'm wondering if I might move all of this to the other side of the room.  The long arm frame is 14 feet long and I'll want space on either side of it to walk around plus a little elbow room.  This wall is 23 inches so I think it will just fit with a bit of room to spare.  It will feel so good in the summer to quilt here with the french doors open and the breeze coming in through the house!

Just a few more days!!!  I picked up a tripod at the store the other day for my camera so you can look forward to some video posts soon.  You can watch me and laugh as I totally have no idea what I'm doing with my long arm!!!  LOL*

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Sewing Room Tour!

Ok ok ok I know I have issues what with two posts in one day and all.  Lol*  I don't know how long this is gonna last so I had to take pictures while it's fresh!

I seriously HATE the color of this room so let's pretend it's...tan.  Or red.  Or just about anything but BLUE.  It looks like a giant bathroom to me.  Ick.  I just haven't had time and motivation to paint it yet.  I also need to do some scrubb-a-dub dubbin on that tile because I didn't realize how grimey it looked until I saw these pictures!  Ack!  I have kids and pets so, you'll have to forgive me and love me for my grime.  ;)

I'm going from right to left here - and this room doubles as our second living room so yes there are couches in there!  Lol*  I also apologize for the Willy Wonka nauseating angles...I'm actually standing on the step to get into the kitchen to take these pictures so it's really got a fun house quality to them!

Above is my cutting table, one of my antique sewing machines closed up with some country clutter on it, a sewing cupboard (that the top needs to be dusted and re-organized eep...oh yes and a ginormous hoard of toys for my kids.  LOL*  I'm a bit of a hoarder.  I need to get rid of some of those toys before Christmas comes...they have no clue what's at the bottom...and neither do I.

Above - my cutting table, the chair I moved to one side so I can stand right up next to it - I think this summer I may just take them out to the barn because nobody sits in them!  To the left of the table is the new Singer treadle the Husband bought me for Sweetest day!  Atop it is one of my featherweights - I also have a centennial featherweight but it's in the case until I find a place to display it.

Above - I have a make shift design wall there but I don't really use it.  The kids like to play with it and cover it with scraps and drive me crazy moving around my sewing projects.  LOL*  Mostly it just causes me stress.  I put a quilt up there so it didn't look so bare and lint covered!  That is an old buzz saw I made several years ago - I didn't measure the borders so they are all sorts of wavy and out of wack.  It's going to be fun to quilt.  LOL*

Below - both of the quilts hanging on hangers are Bonnie Hunter patterns.  Jared takes a wife (still needs that final border) and a Pineapple Blossom.  They are the only Bonnie Hunter patterns I have ever made - though I do have her Crab apple quilt in process...I'm making it using her leader/ender method so it'll be a while before it's a top.  Below the quilts is a book case filled with sewing books/magazines/quilting books.  In front of that is the Brother that I do most of my sewing on.  It's on one of those rolling carts that schools used to use to keep televisions on - we bought it at a school auction a few years ago...I LOVE IT!!!  I can sit in front of the tv and sew and move it all there are like six plugs on the back so I have a little light and all sorts of doodads plugged into it.  Best $8 we've spent in a long time!!!

Next to the rocking chair (that used to belong to my Husband's Grandmother who passed away a few years ago) is a sewing machine cabinet we picked up at a yard sale for $2 - my Dad put a little table in the bottom of it so I could set my sewing machine into it instead of using pins.  I LOVE THAT!!!  I will never get rid of it either, it's so handy.  I can put any sewing machine I want in there and it was a lot less than those expensive tables (I'll get one some day) that you can set your machine into.  Thanks Dad!

Above - next to the love seat is a fabric cupboard and batting.  I do have some poly fill over by the rocking chair and the polyester batting I picked up for playing with my trapunto.

Tomorrow's task - getting in between those tiles with a toothbrush - ACK!

Fixing Up My Sewing Area

I've posted pictures of my messy little sewing area many times before, but a recent visit to a friend's house has inspired me to get crackin' and clean up my mess!  Her sewing room is RIDICULOUSLY gorgeous.  RIDICULOUS.  I can only hope I get there - but for now, this is what I've got!

This isn't all of it, but this is the organized side!!  I shall not show you the messy side until I finish straightening that up too!  LOL*  I apologize too for the dark pictures - half of the room is sunny and the other half, not so much.  :)

My family is extremly good to me and supportive of my 'habit'.  Lol*  We have two living rooms, but the larger of the two has virtually been taken over with my sewing.  In my own defense, at the house we lived in before this I had my own sewing room.  So of course, I felt I needed to fill it up!  In a few years we'd like to add on and hopefully I'll get some privacy, but for now, this keeps me going and my family is so wonderful to tolerate it.  I mean it when I say they tolerate it too - because usually I sit down and sew while the Husband is in there watching tv!!  He is so good to me!  :)