Monday, April 23, 2012

Test Cake - Done!

Here's a sneak peak for my parents of the test's a little different than the actual cake I'm planning...this turned out well though so I really hope the actual cake turns out this good!!!  :)


Kimberly said...

That's awesome! Me and cakes, we don't get along all that well. That's why I leave all the cake baking up to my girls!

HOPE said...

Awww so sweet...

is that with fondant? Did you make your own?

I just was given a kit to try...

Haven't been to bloggerland in a while...

updated post..but having trouble putting photos on my creative says not enough room..but my other times it's okay??

so for my latest no pic to post..been carving..watermelons!

A whale and a turtle...soo fun.

Blessings to you..