Working on my lil' wooly sheep applique. It's so cute! I can't wait to see it all together...
Thursday, October 28, 2010
45 Halloween Treat Bags
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Mini Bow Tie Finish
I love little projects. They are great for decorating and the best part is they go quickly. :) Next I'm finishing up the Wooly Sheep applique kit I bought a few years ago. Everything is cut to applique, just need to put the top together and get cracking! :)
Sunday, October 24, 2010
More Compass Progress
I'm not sure what to call this - medallion? Compass? In any case I love how it's coming along.
There are plenty of imperfections, but I learn so much from these ambitious projects. It's easy to get in over my head, I must admit! Of course I had toclose up on the one goose that has a little floating wing. Argh! Lol*
Things are starting to go together smoothly, the only major hiccup so far is the center star that I'm not crazy about. I've decided to change those colors. I am thinking I'm going to make the center background pink like the geese but the star itself yellow.
Email Spitting out Spam
Hey all, I just wanted to warn you, one of my old email addresses was hijacked and is spitting out spam. If you get a link from my quilt_mommy_2001 at yahoo dot com address, please do not open it and delete it immediately. I apologize for the inconvenience this might have caused some of you...I just don't understand why people do these things. I'm contacting Yahoo to see if it can be fixed, and will delete the account as a last resort. Thank you so much for understanding!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Working on this again...
and I'm thinking applique will be my friend. ;) The center star isn't piecing as swiftly and beautifully in reality as it did in my head! I'm even rethinking the colors on that inner part as well. The yellow just doesn't look right to me. I started piecing the purple rings toghether into blocks and they are a little tricky but going well. Luckily those triangles and batik's hide some of my sewing imperfections well.
Monday, October 18, 2010
A Vintage Treasure: Singer Buttonholer
I am such a sucker for anything old. Combine old and anything sewing related and my heart will sing.
On that note, my Husband and I made one of our frequent visits to the local thrift shop a few days ago. He is usually looking for sports items, or things he can fix up and resell for a few extra bucks. I look for clothes for me, the kids, and things I can use for the house. Once in a while I find an old goodie, that may have been leftover from an estate sale, or maybe inherited by someone who has no use for it. Like this old buttonholer...
I was tickled to find this little treasure. It's in the original case, all the pieces are present, and it even comes with a manual. The booklet is dated 1949 - within a few decades of my featherweight's birthday. Leading me to believe this could possibly be an attatchment I could use with my featherweight. Yay! If not I have a 1950's Singer in a table that it should work with. It will be like Christmas playing around with it though. How exciting!
It makes me think of the woman (or Man I suppose!) who purchased this when it was new. I love thinking about who might have owned it and what they wanted to make with it. How fun. :)
The best part of thrift store treasures? This purchase was a whopping, $1.50. I couldn't pass it up. :)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Pumpkin and Kitty Wallhanging - Finish
It's a small finish but it still counts, right? ;) I think this turned out so cute...
...binding got a little wonky in the back, I think I'm going to invest in binding clips to see if it helps me get a bit better edges. I also tried these nifty little corner triangles for hanging, something new. :)
Edited to Add: Quilting Nana asked how I like the little corner triangles for hanging - I put this up on my front door, using a small dowel rod, and I really like them! It's much quicker than making a hanging sleeve and stitching to the back...although I have a feeling it's better to use them on small projects. ;) Thanks for asking!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
I'm a Posting Fool :) Progress Pictures...
I haven't seen this little wall hanging since last are some progress pictures, I've finally gotten around to quilting it. Paisley is pretty forgiving for a girl who's not yet fully mastered free-motion, and I'm having fun with this. I believe this little hanging is made from Thimbleberries scraps, a few Jo Morton repro's, and bits from a Kansas Troubles Quilters line...the thread is in the shade "honey" from Connecting Threads. It screams autumn...I am so happy with how it's coming along. :)
Saturday, October 2, 2010
If Ever I Have Nothing Else...
At Least I Have Apples.

I'm feeling that feeling you feel when the weather grows colder, the days grow shorter, and when rust colored leaves begin to fall from the trees. It's time to quilt, it's time to cook, it's time to think of Halloween Costumes and Christmas Treasures.
I made a decision today. A big one too. It started with a visit to the Doctor on Friday. We were able to see my little kidney bean baby's heart beat! It was strong and vivid on the screen, and after having several miscarriages in the past, it was a sigh of relief to my Husband and I both. After witnessing to us what is nothing less than a miracle on a screen, we made our way up to the maternity floor for a tour. For my previous two daughters we traveled to a nearby town with a much larger hospital for delivery. But this time, it just feels right, we're going to have this baby at the local hospital. While that was quite a decision on it's own, that's not the big one that I'm itching to share. The trip to the hospital catapulted me into thought, something not uncommon for me. I'm a thinker. Some would say I think too much. So I thought about our talks with the incredibly kind and open nurses at the hospital, and about this new baby and what I want for my family. I guess I'm misleading you by telling you it started at the really started when I found out I was pregnant, but it came to a head just today. I've decided I'm going to stay home with my children just a few more years. This is me, it's who I am, I'm a Mommy and a little old lady at heart! I thought cosmetology school would be something fun to do for a while, but my heart is with when the time is right I'm going to put my energy into my passion. Until then, my passion is my family, and my heart is here with them. Such a huge decision this was, but I feel like weight is off me now that I've made it. Now my focus can go to growing this healthy little baby and taking care of my two daughters and Husband. It's been one heck of a year...but I'm the happiest I've been in the longest time...and I feel so lucky to be able to make this choice.
and now I shall make Apple Crisp. ;)

I have had this pie dish for nearly ten was one of my yard sale treasures. I remember when I found it...seventy five cents was written in black permanent marker on a piece of masking tape on the bottom. Somebody's junk. Something they'd had since who knows when that had been hiding in the back of a cupboard somewhere. Just hiding and waiting for little old me to come along with my three quarters...and the enthusiasm that fills the heart of a new cook. It has been one of the best three quarters that I have ever spent. I have made sweet crazy bread in this pie dish, pies (who'd a thunk?), apple cobbler, apple crisp, apple that and apple this. :) The only thing I haven't made in this little pie something with pumpkin in it!
I'm feeling that feeling you feel when the weather grows colder, the days grow shorter, and when rust colored leaves begin to fall from the trees. It's time to quilt, it's time to cook, it's time to think of Halloween Costumes and Christmas Treasures.
I made a decision today. A big one too. It started with a visit to the Doctor on Friday. We were able to see my little kidney bean baby's heart beat! It was strong and vivid on the screen, and after having several miscarriages in the past, it was a sigh of relief to my Husband and I both. After witnessing to us what is nothing less than a miracle on a screen, we made our way up to the maternity floor for a tour. For my previous two daughters we traveled to a nearby town with a much larger hospital for delivery. But this time, it just feels right, we're going to have this baby at the local hospital. While that was quite a decision on it's own, that's not the big one that I'm itching to share. The trip to the hospital catapulted me into thought, something not uncommon for me. I'm a thinker. Some would say I think too much. So I thought about our talks with the incredibly kind and open nurses at the hospital, and about this new baby and what I want for my family. I guess I'm misleading you by telling you it started at the really started when I found out I was pregnant, but it came to a head just today. I've decided I'm going to stay home with my children just a few more years. This is me, it's who I am, I'm a Mommy and a little old lady at heart! I thought cosmetology school would be something fun to do for a while, but my heart is with when the time is right I'm going to put my energy into my passion. Until then, my passion is my family, and my heart is here with them. Such a huge decision this was, but I feel like weight is off me now that I've made it. Now my focus can go to growing this healthy little baby and taking care of my two daughters and Husband. It's been one heck of a year...but I'm the happiest I've been in the longest time...and I feel so lucky to be able to make this choice.
and now I shall make Apple Crisp. ;)
I have had this pie dish for nearly ten was one of my yard sale treasures. I remember when I found it...seventy five cents was written in black permanent marker on a piece of masking tape on the bottom. Somebody's junk. Something they'd had since who knows when that had been hiding in the back of a cupboard somewhere. Just hiding and waiting for little old me to come along with my three quarters...and the enthusiasm that fills the heart of a new cook. It has been one of the best three quarters that I have ever spent. I have made sweet crazy bread in this pie dish, pies (who'd a thunk?), apple cobbler, apple crisp, apple that and apple this. :) The only thing I haven't made in this little pie something with pumpkin in it!
Mr. Thomas the Bear Giveaway
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