I made a very long and rambling video about a year ago and gave a brief update on where I've been. The truth then was that I wandered a bit because I wasn't really sure where all of this was going, but now I'm a little more certain.
Over the past four years I have still been doing mom things with my four children. I have teenagers which has been the most difficult and challenging experience as a parent. I cut back from full time work to part time to go to college because I recognized pretty early on that it was necessary to get a degree to support myself long term and such a large family. I earned a modest income with quilting, but the resources to continue as I had were no longer available to me, and so I had to make some tough decisions. I loved what I had built with quilting, so it was extremely sad for me to see it go. I took a job by pure chance as a legal assistant and learned immensely during my time there. The experience combined with friendships and connections made in that role inspired me to pursue law school.
Returning to school has been difficult but more rewarding than I could have imagined. My experience has been unique as a mother and nontraditional student. I balanced my children's lives, my own work life and school life, the loss of my mother in the midst of the most difficult time in my life, and now navigate the unique experience of finishing my degree during a pandemic. I was active in school and took on leadership roles in many student organizations and tried to volunteer in my community whenever time allowed. I learned so much about the world - and that there is so much more to it than what I previously understood. It was not always graceful or pretty or perfect. I lost sleep and was at times grouchy and short tempered. The dishes often piled up, dinners frequently consisted of anything quick and microwaveable, and there was definitely not time to be the kind of mother, daughter, friend, or partner that I wanted to be. As one who goes through significant life changes does - I grew and evolved- and hopefully for the better.
So here I am exactly two weeks from being finished with a Bachelor of Arts in English! I have been accepted to a number of law schools and have chosen The University of Akron's Law School to complete my legal education. My oldest is graduating high school and headed to college this fall. My youngest will be entering kindergarten. I made it through with the support of new friends, the faculty and professors at the college, coworkers, my small but loving family, and old friends who have supported me since grade school. Just when you think the world is hard and cold and will eat you up and spit you out - incredible people show up and remind you that the world is also full of compassion, love, and those with a desire to make it a better place.
Very little sewing has occurred but I have not abandoned it entirely. I have been creating art, mostly as a way to relax and curb the anxiety of all the uncertainty we are experiencing, and to express the hardships and joys that I've experienced through the years.
I have so very much enjoyed blogging about my sewing endeavors and creating friendships along the way. Some of you still follow me on Facebook and have been my cheerleaders through all of this - and I am so grateful for you!
While it looks like a sewing business is no longer in my immediate future, I am still drawn to sewing and artwork and creating. My competitive nature might even inspire me to enter a few competitions and learn new techniques.
I have thrown around the idea of creating a new blog or revamping this one. For now, I will leave it as it is. I will not be taking in quilts again, and any projects will likely be small. I have loved sewing and quilting, but law school is a long term commitment and so my energy is going to be focused on that for the time being. In the meantime, I will try to periodically drop in and catch up.
Until the next update - take care!